Wednesday, August 29, 2007

40 weeks and 3 days prego-

Well I went to the Doctors today and nothing has changed I haven't progressed any different this week from last week. Still no blood or protein in my urine. I weigh 159 the same as last week. My abdomine measures 39 cm and I am still dialated to a 3 and 90% effaced. The baby is still head down and station 0, baby's heart beat is 152 a little faster than last week. The good news is Dr. Strebel asked if I would like to be induced and I said, "Yes." He called up to the hospital and saw if there is any room and they are full, so they will either call me this afternoon or we will go in tomarrow. He said that being put on patocin isn't bad at all so that is a relief because I have heard that it is horrable...he said that labor is horrable anyway...but he thinks that I will go fast he said that I am in the 90%tile of women who have such a favorable cervix. Good as long as it is fast! jajaja!!

I asked him if it is good to get induced and he told me that usually with first time moms he rarely induces but seems how he thought that I would have delivered by now and my cervix and measurements are so favorable he thinks that it would be a good idea. He said that for sure Monday they would start me anyway, I asked if he thought I could go all weekend without going into labor and he said that he could see that happening because he thought weeks ago I would have went into labor. He is also going out of town and I really want him to deliver because I have full trust in him. He also said that if I was a 2nd time mom he would have induced me a week it is either today or tomarrow....I can't wait...It is kind of scary but I am really EXCITED!!

Felito got accepted up at Utah State so he is going to take a english placement exam tomarrow morning at 8:30. I don't know how he is going to do it my brain is so scattered I can't think about anything except the BABY so hopefully all goes well and he will be able to concentrate and take that. We are so EXCITED to finally see progress and know that he is going to go to school in January. Yeah Yippy Hurray!! So we are having a lot of excitement in our lives all at once, kindof fun!! Well wish me luck, I hope they call today....

1 comment:

Briann said...

That's awesome Felito is going back to school! What is he going into? How did he do on his test?