Thursday, October 25, 2007

Andres is 2 months old today-

I can't believe we had our little man 2 months ago the time has sure flown. We sure have enjoyed him he brings so much joy and happyness into our lives. His beautiful smile and bright eyes can melt any heart. We are excited about celebrating our first holiday with him Halloween will be so much fun. We haven't bought a costume but I think that he might just dress up as David Ortiz from the Boston Red Socks we are going to keep it easy this year. Felito gets to go to sleep and Andres and I enjoy our late night play dates. He has still got his days and nights mixed up he is wide awake sometimes until 1:30 or 2:00 A.M. Oh well, I can't wait until he sleeps through the night; because mommy is exausted! Andres is full of smiles, he has discovered he has spit,(starting to blow bubbles), he has that right arm constantly on the move it is so funny he will straighten it out up in the air, stare at it and then it comes down fast and bops him in the nose. He is so alert its fun to see him connect with you.

Baby Milestones- Coos are your baby's way of expressing delight, as well as exercising his vocal cords. You can carry on a "conversation" with your baby now. When he gurgles or coos, say something brief or coo back at him. Then wait for him to "say" something back to you. This kind of conversational turn-taking may not sound like much to you now, but it's actually the beginning of learning how to talk!

This is a video of Andres playin' with papi when we were staying at Aunt Gloria's house. Andres sure loves his papi, he thinks he is a funny guy!

1 comment:

Briann said...

That is so fun!I can't wait to see you guys! Hey I think we are going to come up on November 3rd do you want to do lunch or something? love ya!